Dr. Nancy Stockdale

Director of INST
Associate Professor of HIST
University Distinguished Teaching Professor
Nancy Stockdale

UNT Faculty Profile https://internationalstudies.unt.edu/

I am honored to serve as the Director of International Studies, a program I have led since Fall 2021. When I'm not wearing my administrative hat, I am an award-winning teacher and an historian of the modern Middle East. I teach classes about the region from the emergence of Islam to our contemporary moment. My research specialties include late Ottoman and British Mandate Palestine, gender and empire in the modern Middle East, critiques of Orientalism, cultural representations of the Middle East, and British empire in the region. I am also building a scholarly reputation around the topic of Glam Rock, especially the life of Freddie Mercury. My work is theoretical and accessible, and I believe that the most important histories make connections between the past and our present. I am interested in intersections of gender, race, and class, and enjoy telling stories of everyday people living mundane and extraordinary lives. I am currently finishing a book about representations of the Middle East in British and American entertainment over the past 150 years. My motto for life is "Learn something new every day!" and I'm a huge fan of old school Polaroids, dogs, and travel.