The International Studies Program at the University of North Texas prepares students for careers that tackle the serious global challenges of the twenty-first century. Our students are passionate about the world and its diverse cultures, resources, and challenges, and our alumni are emerging leaders in fields like humanitarian aid and disaster relief, government diplomacy and security, international business and entrepreneurship, and many other internationally-focused careers.

Our students study across the spectrum of UNT's academic offerings, expanding their knowledge of social, political, cultural, and economic global issues, including environmental crises, population trends, energy resources, international trade, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, state and non-state violence, terrorism, refugee and migrant aid, and development. They integrate topics - such as world history, politics, economics, geography, religion, art, media studies, journalism, marketing, public administration, emergency management, and many other fields - into academic plans shaped by their own career and intellectual interest. We encourage our students to acquire strong foreign language skills, and we are committed to preparing them for jobs in the public and private sectors, so that they are ready to help solve the challenges of our modern world with local and global partners.

The International Studies BA and MA degrees are interdisciplinary in nature and draw upon courses of many departments and programs within our college - the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences - as well as the G. Brint Ryan College of Business, the College of Health and Public Service, the College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism, the College of Visual Arts and Design, and the Frank W. and Sue Mayborn School of Journalism. Our degree requirements provide students with flexibility and depth. The BA consists of four areas of concentration: Business and Economics, Human Security, Global Conflict, and Global Perspectives. The MA provides practical application of knowledge along with professional skills courses and classes in three concentrations: International Development and Sustainability, Human Security, and National Security and Diplomacy. Undergraduates and graduate students alike are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities for enhanced global experiences, such as study abroad programs, relevant internships, and attending internationally focused UNT and community events.